
National Dress 2008




Femal Tourist Uniform 2009

Femal Tourist Uniform 2009 Private collection

National Dress 2008
Female Tourist Uniform 2009

“Last year I found some old tourist badges of my childhood times and I remembered my teenage dreams about traveling all around the world. I got the idea to make a dress of these dreams and at the same time a dress of power. National Dress includes the dilemma of the world today with possibilities of fulfilling dreams and yet being conscious about the consequences our acts of freedom may have.
Most of the badges and streamers in these dresses are souvenirs of strangers, bought from flea markets in Finland. I often escape to these markets to search for surprises, making trips that are cheap and enjoyable.”

“National Dress” was inspired by Sami culture and “Female Tourist Uniform” by Spain.” The pieces were made for the group exhibition HUUTOurism!, an exchange project that some of us active members in the artist driven Galleria Huuto collective were organizing between Sami Artist Center in Karasjok, Norway and the artist collective La Sala Naranja and Forja Arte in Valencia, Spain.